Tag Archive | Zohar of Shamballa

Carrying the Light

There has never been a time when it has been more important than ever to walk and talk the life you BElieve in. I, Zohar of Shamballa, am from a very ancient lineage of BEings that first settled within Gaia. How many Eons ago, isn’t really important. Suffice it to say that I have witnessed and at times even walked among you beautiful souls that travel the surface of this Great Pearl. Yes, it is true that Shamballa is my home, but I have made myself adaptable, I guess you would say that I can become a shape shifter and as I have walked among you, you have no knowledge because I have learned to blend well.

Recently, I took a trip to New York and Washington DC. All I will say at this time, was that I was a representative of light and was “on top” to do some witnessing and sharing towards your greater good. I took some time to walk with you in your daily lives. Oh, Loved Ones, from some of you, I saw your Aura’s radiating such beautiful lights, and others that were still lost. What I wish to address today is the few Beautiful lights that I saw trying to influence the “status quo” of the others. Dearest Ones, the greatest advice I want to give you, is to just BE. When you try to push your loving light upon others, it actually becomes a repellent and the recipient, not knowing what is happening, will push the light that they do not understand aside and therefore your light stops. Do you see whathttp://www.letitia-of-lemuria.com/#!zohar-of-shamballa/c1s2r

Channelled by Letitia of Lemuria
 Psychic Healer, Light and Energy Healer, Channel of Ascended Masters and Fellow Human Being
EMail ShaHaley11@yahoo.com : http://www.Letitia-of-Lemuria.com for more information on REadings



Zohar on Manifestation



It is I, Zohar of Shamballa, with you today. We wish to enforce today, that we have always been in awe and wonder of you being a surface dweller and the many, many hardships that you have chosen to go through in all of your incarnations upon Gaia’s surface. I am going to ask you to do something for me today. Sit quietly and allow your heart to be filled with Love, Joy and the greatest sense of Peace that you can hardly imagine. It’s kind of the same feeling that you had as a small child when your Mothers arms just reached out to hug you for no reason, except to share her love. Be in that moment for a bit. This is the love that we have carried constantly for you all, here in Shamballa and other units of Inner Earth. We are all truly in awe at all of the hurdles and obstacles that have stood in your way and watching you travel through them in such brave ways is just amazing to us. Now the time has come for us of Middle earth to step forth for that final little hill in your way and offer up our help, though the help we offer is different, this time.

We wish for you to travel into this new and Golden Age of Unity with a Joyous feeling of accomplishment and know that the time has come for you to stop the suffering and having feelings of being alone. There is a person here in one of our Inner Earth civilizations, that is the perfect balance of you. Yes, Dear One, know that this is a part of the Balance of being a humanoid being and always has. This Being has been http://www.letitia-of-lemuria.com/#!zohar-on-manifestation/cobb

Zohar of Shamballa

I am Zohar of Shamballa and I wish to channel through this Being, Letitia of Lemuria, at this time.
You on the surface of Gaia have struggled for many millennia and the comprehension that things are really going to change is just beyond your imagination in so many ways and on so many levels. This time, in the next 5 years, is going to open doors that you may go through to learn what our creator really wanted for you on the surface. The rule of the Dark Cabal is now past and hold onto your seats, dear ones, because the light is going to shine so brilliantly for all of you, very soon. This being of light that is channelling for me now is well known in our world. She is trying to comprehend this and wrap her mind around it too, for it was just this morning that she found out she was an Amassador and has been in this position many, many times. She has travelled in many star systems and her knowledge hasn’t even begun to be tapped or remembered in this carnation as yet. As she would say, “All in perfect timing”. And the Time is now for you, dear humans, to wake up and be in the Know of us. We will soon be making our appearance on the surface. We choose to serve and we do not want you all to be alarmed when we come out, so this is a job for Letitia and others that she is in contact with, to help you all to see our Love and know us. For we are you. Yes, we may be taller and have lived in a dimension that is higher than you may think you are, but our DNA is the same as yours. You just need to activate your DNA and raise your frequencies again to the level that you can really see and know us once more. The time has come and the time is now.
Open up your hearts and minds to accept that you are one with us, though it doesn’t seem so at this moment. We send you so much love and light every day from here in Shamballa. As with Telosians, we all have been here to support you from the beginning. Humans have a deep fear that has been instilled in them from the beginning, about anything that they don’t understand, therefore many of us inside Gaia are going to be working with more and more channels to help you all to integrate better. Soon, you too will hear us and no longer with the population have to rely on a few sources for channelled messages. http://www.letitia-of-lemuria.com/#!zohar-of-shamballa/c1s2rImage